Insurance premiums are a big expenditure for companies. Insurance companies examine the history and risk of your sector and your company. Are you getting the right cover and are your premiums as low as they can be?
Our team carries out independent confidential insurance reviews. We make sure that you are getting the correct cover for all of your insurance requirements.
Our approach is thorough, independent, confidential, and totally transparent. We deliver exceptional results in relation to enhanced cover, service and savings in premium which are not available through open-market processes.
Our prospective is impartial which is key to our clients making the right choices.
Specialist Cost Auditors is not an insurer. We are not brokers. We are not financial advisors. We don’t handle or transact insurance cover. We work solely for our clients. Our primary aim is to deliver the best insurance solution for your business in terms of cost, cover and support.
Our specialists review in excess of £100million in premium expenditure per year.
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SCA would like to introduce a new service to their clients
At SCA we firmly believe that Lean Manufacturing is to have the vision and the ability to review your production procedures and techniques for eliminating the waste from your manufacturing. The methodology that SCA implement turns traditional manufacturing thinking completely on its head